Be a guest on the Patterns of Possibility podcast

What To Expect For Our Call

I will use Zencastr to record audio only. However, please be ready to show your smiling face on camera. It's more connecting.

Please use the following link to schedule your interview.

Interview Questions

The Patterns of Possibility is all about helping others replace harmful patterns with new possibilities. With that said, I will focus our discussion around that concept. Below are some questions that I’ll most likely ask.

Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the questions.

1.   What patterns have you recognized in your life that you were stuck in?

2.   How did they impact you and your life?

3.   What was the process that you did to break the pattern?

4.   What did you learn about yourself during the process?

5.   How did your life change?

6.   What lessons would you share with others about your situation and how to overcome it?

7.   Do you have an actionable suggestion that you can leave the audience with? (An example would be a breathing exercise that my audience may try while listening. Perhaps a visualization exercise or a writing exercise.) If so, please explain what it is. I will allow you 3 - 5 minutes to demonstrate it.

8. If you're promoting anything, please be prepared to share it.

What I Need From You

  1. Please fill out and return the release form before your interview.

  2. Provide a high quality headshot as well as your social media links so that I may share them when promoting your episode.

Scheduled Time
If for any reason you need to reschedule before our scheduled time, please email at call or text at 314-877-8767 at least 24 hours before.